Should You Experiment with Social Media?
2 minutes

Should You Experiment with Social Media?

with Susan Rose, Senior Director of Insights and Content for GovExec

May 20, 2024

We marketers have an array of consistently evolving platforms at our disposal, which means our tactics should also consistently evolve.

Previously, in "Where are you placing your social energy?” we discussed that platform choice doesn’t need to be overwhelming. Focus your energy where your audience spends the most time and trusts the content they encounter.

While this remains crucial, there's merit in exploring new avenues. That is, if we’re thoughtful about it.

Take TikTok. Respondents to Market Connections' Federal IT Omnibus study of government employees reported a 41% increase in their work-related usage of TikTok from February through May of this year. This comes despite recent restrictions on government devices and President Biden's bill that would potentially ban the app in the United States.

So, while TikTok has seen increased usage among government professionals, now is probably not the best time to dive headfirst into marketing here.

Meanwhile, respondents in the same public sector survey said their Snapchat use is up 43%. (For example, the Department of State has its own channel.) In this case, if you have the time and resources, it can't hurt to try something different. It might even offer some valuable insights.

Just keep in mind that experimenting doesn't mean abandoning tried and true approaches.

Experimentation is key to innovation. Whether it's trying a new platform, visual content, or blog series, testing the waters allows for informed decision-making. Discover what works with your audience and what doesn't.

Not sure where to start? Do your research! Evaluate the results, adapt strategies accordingly, and iterate to refine your approach. Staying agile and open to experimentation is paramount.

Dive in, learn, and let data drive your decisions.

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