5 Tips to Win Over State and Local Government IT Buyers
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5 Tips to Win Over State and Local Government IT Buyers

by Susan Rose, Vice President of Research and Insights, GovExec

Jan. 28, 2025

While the Federal government will be going through changes (major and minor) over the coming years, many of our clients are thinking about how to increase sales to state and local government (SLG) IT buyers.

There are many similarities between Federal and SLG buyers, but also some major differences to be aware of.

SLG IT buyers operate within a framework defined by tight budgets, complex procurement processes, and a heightened focus on transparency and accountability. Their challenges and needs also vary widely–what’s urgent for a State CIO in New York might barely register with a peer in South Dakota. That means your marketing needs to demonstrate that you understand their unique challenges and priorities.

So, how do you make your marketing resonate in this space?

With insights, authenticity, and a no-pitch approach.

Our 2024 Content Marketing Review shows SLG buyers want content rich in data, research, and real-world examples—but 50% will tune out if they sense a sales pitch.

Nearly two-thirds of respondents said they search for information. Make sure your message resonates when they land on your content.

Here are five strategies to meet them where they are:

1. Speak to Local Priorities

While federal priorities like cloud migration and AI adoption trickle down, regional needs can vary widely. These might include improving broadband access, modernizing legacy systems, or enhancing disaster response capabilities.

A one-size-fits-all approach won’t cut it.

  • Pro Tip: Use data and insights to inform, not to pitch. Customize your content to target specific priorities. For instance, a rural county may need connectivity solutions, while a metropolitan city may focus on urban infrastructure.

2. Put Security and Compliance Front and Center

As with Federal buyers, cybersecurity is a top priority. With aging infrastructure and limited resources, SLG agencies are frequent targets for cyberattacks. As a result, IT buyers prioritize solutions that enhance security, align with federal standards, and support zero-trust architectures.

  • Pro Tip: Emphasize how your solution mitigates risks and complies with frameworks like NIST, CJIS, or state-specific regulations. If you can provide a case study proving your solution works, all the better. Be prepared to address concerns about data residency and vendor accountability.

3. Demonstrate Cost-Effectiveness

Budget constraints are a perennial challenge for state and local governments. IT leaders need to see clear evidence that a solution delivers value. They must balance the need for modernization with the reality of tight fiscal controls. Ideas that demonstrate clear ROI, efficiency gains, or cost savings are more likely to gain traction.

  • Pro Tip: Arm them with quantifiable proof! White papers, case studies, and metrics that show cost savings or efficiency gains. Frame your content as a guide to solving their problems, not as a tool to push your product.

4. Leverage the Power of Peers

SLG buyers trust recommendations from their peers. They want proof that your solution works—not in theory, but in practice. Trust is a critical factor, and endorsements from other government agencies carry significant weight.

  • Pro Tip: Develop case studies, testimonials, and reference programs that highlight your success with similar challenges. If you don’t have SLG-specific examples, highlight wins from comparable industries presented with a neutral, problem-solving tone.

5. Understand Their Timeline

State and local governments are bound by detailed procurement rules and lengthy decision-making cycles. IT purchases often require approvals from multiple stakeholders, including procurement officers, department heads, and elected officials. Understanding these cycles is critical to timing your marketing efforts effectively.

  • Pro Tip: Develop content and campaigns that align with the typical budgeting and procurement timelines for SLG agencies. For example, many state governments finalize budgets in the first half of the calendar year, making Q3 an ideal time to position solutions as part of next year’s initiatives.

Bonus: Invest in Digital Channels

SLG IT buyers are increasingly doing their homework online. Ensure your website, social media, and digital ads provide easy access to relevant, actionable information without pressuring readers to act immediately.

  • Pro Tip: Did you know that 74% of SLG IT Buyers with purchasing power read GovExec’s publications? Meet them on the channels they trust.

State and local IT buyers are seeking trusted partners who understand their unique challenges. Focus on education, authenticity, and value. Solve their problems instead of pitching your product, and you’ll build trust that stands out in a crowded market.

Your mission? Help them modernize, thrive, and serve their communities better.

Get more actionable strategies from the content marketing review study.
For more information on winning over SLG IT buyers, contact Solutions@GovExec.com.

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