Custom thought leadership content is a pillar of ensuring marketers can reach government in an effective and impactful way. But with social and newsfeeds constantly refreshing, it’s easy to get lost in the crowd. Here’s how to go about making powerful, stand-out thought leadership content for government.
1. Choose Your Subject Matter Experts Wisely
Thought leadership articles are intended to position the company as an innovator and expert in a particular area, of course, and the right mouthpiece is crucial in that endeavor. Choose someone who can speak passionately and intelligently on the challenges government faces and the potential solution areas.
Avoiding experts with sales titles and seeking those who can talk in a relatable, colloquial (read: not overtly technical) way about the technology will help convey your message in the most engaging way possible — not to mention hold your reader’s attention spans.
2. Know Your Audience — and Their Challenges
Government organizations need to meet the mission and deliver services effectively and efficiently — a tall order in itself — they also need to be one step ahead when it comes to protecting the interests and data of the American people, staying ahead of near-peer competitors, meeting compliance mandates, delivering critical services, and much, much more.
In short, the government faces a myriad of challenges, and they need to know you understand what their challenge is before you try to dive in to fix it.
As you begin the process of crafting messaging, call on internal experts, outside consultants, or the minds of experienced government marketers to ensure you have a clear sense of the problem (or problems) your company is solving.
3. Meet Your Audience Where They Are
If a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound? It might be a cliched saying, but it certainly applies to government marketing:
Content that doesn’t make it in front of the right audience may as well not have been written.
Partnering with publishers, creating dedicated content hubs, and strategizing ABM campaigns are just some of the tracks your organization can take to ensure your content is as intentional as possible and gets to the right people at the right time.
4. Know What Sets You Apart
Your company has a lot to offer to government organizations, but what makes you different from your competitors?
- Is it your customer service?
- Your intuitive solutions?
- Your hands-on experts that can guide them through every aspect of an integration?
Make sure you clearly identify and outline what makes your company stand out in the field.
5. Keep Your Content Fresh
No marketing effort is a once-and-done endeavor.
Challenges and needs change, new mandates are delegated, and solutions evolve. Don’t let your message peter out — stay up-to-date with the latest buzz and consider putting out new content regularly to supplement evergreen content pieces in order to stay in the conversation.